World's healthiest fruit is not apple and it keeps your heart beating fit.


Fruits are health victory but majority of Americans still don't consume them

• Despite fruits being a health victory, a majority of Americans do not meet the recommended daily intake of 1 to 2.5 cups.

• Blueberries are considered the healthiest fruit by experienced dietitians due to their rich content of anthocyanins and polyphenols, potent phytochemicals.

• Blueberries' anthocyanins have anti-inflammatory properties that can enhance mood, memory, and cognitive function, making them beneficial for brain health.

• The antioxidants in blueberries contribute to cardiovascular health, reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and supporting weight maintenance.

• Apples are also highlighted as one of the healthiest fruits, containing fiber, vitamin C, and polyphenols, which are antioxidants.

• Regularly consuming two apples a day is linked to lowering LDL cholesterol, making apples a heart-healthy food.

• The fiber in apples can slow gastric emptying, aiding in weight loss and anti-obesity effects.

• Both blueberries and apples are praised for their portability and convenience for on-the-go consumption.

• Scientific studies support the health benefits of blueberries and apples, emphasizing their role in promoting heart health and overall well-being.

• The contrast is drawn between the health benefits of fruits like blueberries and apples and the less nutritious options often found in checkout lines, such as chocolate bars and peanut butter cups.

Disclaimer: The summarized information provided here is based on a news article, and the accuracy of the content relies on the information presented by the original source. Any interpretation or analysis is subject to the context provided in the article. Readers are encouraged to refer to the original news article for a comprehensive and unaltered understanding of the information.

Original News Article Link: [World's healthiest fruit is not apple and it keeps your heart beating fit]


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