
Showing posts with the label Artificial Intelligence Threat National Security Risks Gladstone AI Report

AI Poses 'Extinction-Level' Threat, Urgent US Intervention Needed, State Dept.-Commissioned Report Warns

 AI could pose ‘extinction-level’ threat to humans and the US must intervene, State Dept.-commissioned report warns Alarming National Security Risks: A recently released report commissioned by the US State Department highlights the "catastrophic" national security risks associated with the rapid evolution of artificial intelligence (AI), emphasizing the urgent need for intervention. Extinction-Level Threat: The report, conducted by Gladstone AI, underscores the possibility of the most advanced AI systems posing an "extinction-level threat to the human species," based on insights gathered from interviews with over 200 experts, including executives, cybersecurity researchers, and national security officials. Government Response and Disclaimers: Although the report was commissioned by the State Department, it's crucial to note that the findings don't necessarily represent the official views of the US government. The State Department confirmed the ongoing assess