
Showing posts with the label Nutrition & Wellness

A 7-Day No-Sugar, Anti-Inflammatory Meal Plan for Weight Loss

 7 Day No-Sugar, Anti-Inflammatory Meal Plan for Weight Loss, Created by a Dietitian Introduction: Weight loss is often seen as a simple equation of calories in versus calories out, but numerous factors influence the body's ability to shed pounds. Chronic inflammation, exacerbated by various lifestyle factors, can impede weight loss efforts and increase the risk of several health conditions. To address this, a 7 day meal plan has been curated by a dietitian, emphasizing anti-inflammatory foods and eliminating added sugars. Background: Chronic inflammation, driven by environmental factors, stress, poor diet, and lack of sleep, contributes to various health issues, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and Alzheimer's disease. Excessive weight exacerbates chronic inflammation, making weight loss more challenging.  The Story: The meal plan, designed to reduce chronic inflammation and aid weight loss, is structured around consuming 1,500 calories per day, with adjustments for t