In the Age of Generative AI: Rediscovering What Makes Us Human

Generative AI is rapidly changing the way people work and live. Through language replication and the generation of written content, images, and even music, gen AI is encroaching on domains previously considered ‘uniquely human.’ As the verbal and cognitive capabilities of machines evolve, an existential question has emerged: In gen AI’s shadow, what unique qualities will humans retain? Historical Context: More than 50 years ago, Stanley Kubrick’s groundbreaking film "2001: A Space Odyssey" gave moviegoers and society at large one of the first glimpses into the future of AI. In the movie, a spacecraft’s onboard computer verbally interacts with its human crewmates, executes all technical aspects of the mission, and even plays (and wins) a friendly game of chess with an astronaut. At one point in the story, the computer — HAL 9000 or simply “Hal” — is interviewed remotely by a news reporter back on Earth. Moments later, when the interview shifts back to the crew, the reporter ...